"East Boulder Creek" - Boulder, Colorado
Tree branches, Walnut tree, Tree stub. 5' x 3' 2016.
Status: Destroyed
Winner: Nature (2 weeks)
Built along the shore of the East Boulder Creek, this is the first iteration of the series. The piece takes on a form of a triangular shaped void with just enough for viewers to question whether nature could produce something of this shape. The aim was to amalgamate a full sized tree with a nearby group of stubs. The piece was constructed in late spring of 2016 using found materials in the area. This earthwork did not survive the heavy snowstorm a few weeks after it was built. This first prototype serves to show the power of nature over human interaction as it did not hold up. Future works in this series will need to be more stable and reinforced.

The Amalgamation of
Natural Entities
This project aims to create a synthesis of natural elements as a new way of looking at the human relationship to natural environments. Tree branches are carefully bent and twisted to invoke a strong sense of movement. curved line allows for the piece to take a different form depending on the angle of view creating an interaction between the viewer and the work. The manmade curved branches are carefully interconnected with two separate natural entities conjoining them through space. the aim is for the growing entities to overtake the earthwork and eventually connect the two living plants through dead recycled material. If the project is a success and the entities are combined it highlights mans ability to temporarily overtake and reshape nature, leading the question of human vs. nature. Follow up visits are documented.